Frequently Asked Questions
Please scroll through all the questions, as the question you have may have been asked by others. If you do not see what you need please complete the form at the bottom of the page
**Registration Questions**
Q: How does the online registration work?A: Just follow the link on the home page and you will be led to the registration website. If you registered online last season, you need only sign in to the family account you set up. If you registered in person last year, our registrar set you up with a family account using the email address you put on your registration. Just begin setting up your account using that email and you should be directed to completing your family account for use in future seasons.
Q: With No Opportunity to try on uniforms, what size do I pick?A: As sizing is generally universal across the the board with different brands this should be of little concern. If your child is on the cuff of the next size, it is advised that you order the next size up. After all, with the Washington Spring weather, you will most likely be layering up to stay warm. Below is a sizing chart to convert Youth numeric sizes to approx letter sizes.
---Size 6-8 = Youth Small (YS) ---Size 10-12 = Youth Medium (YM) ---Size 14-16 = Youth Large (YL) ---Size 18-20 = Youth Extra Large (YXL) Q: My T-Ball Player wants to play Coach Pitch Rookies, is this possible?A: Little League requires that before a T-ball player who is at least age 6, plays up into Rookies, they must fist have played a year of T-Ball..If that is the case then yes your child can play up.
Q: My child's age places him/her in a certain Division, but I would like him/her to play up/down. Which tryout do I go to?A: In the Minor and Major Leagues there is a tryout (more of an evaluation) and then a draft process. Typically, 9&10 year olds play Minors and 11 & 12 year olds play Majors. In the event your child is 8 or 10 and wants to play up or is 11 and feels he is not ready for Majors and wants to play down, please be at both tryouts. We try to have coaches from both divisions attend both tryouts but that is not always possible.
Q: Can I request my player be placed with certain other players or a specific coach?A: We will attempt to honor any requests for friends/carpools but will not guarantee it. We will be placing kids on regular season teams based on schools attending so kidsa remore likely to be on teams with kids they are familiar with.
Q: What is the rule for minimum playtime?A: Each player is required to get 1 "At Bat" and 6 consecutive defensive outs in every game played unless a game is called for dark or 10-Run Rule.
Q: My child's last name does not not match mine or their name is different than on their birth certificate due to an adoption what do I need to provide?A: It is common that last names do not match original documentation, as in the event of an adoption, a remarriage, etc. Documentation must be provided to adequately prove parentage and player age/identification
**Little League Divisions**
Q: What are the different divisions of play in Little League?A: The Divisions Are:
---T-Ball -- Coed 4,5,6... Games Scheduled Wed & Fri ---Baseball/Softball Rookies (Coach Pitch) --- 7 & 8... Games Tue & Thurs & Fri** ---Baseball/Softball Minors -- 9 & 10... Games Mon & Wed & Fri** ---Baseball/Softball Majors-- 11 & 12... Games Tue & Thurs & Fri & Sat ---Baseball/Softball Juniors/Seniors 13+ ** Regular season games are only scheduled for Fiday in the event that we have an odd number of teams at a certain division. This results in one team having a "bye" on each of the normal game nights. In this case those 2 teams will be scheduled to play a Friday game. |
Q: What are the different special rules in each division?A: Each division has it's special rules..please keep in mind that those listed below are just a basic a summary, there are a number of other rules that coaches are responsible for adhering to
--T-Ball -- Each team bats entire lineup and regardless of how good the hit, batter and runners advance only 1 base. Last batter clears the bases. -- Rookies - Each batter gets 5 pitches (coaches can work out whether to count 3 strikes) - Each team's "At Bat" consists of 3 outs or batting entire linuep. - 10 Run Rule applies ( Game called when team up by 10 points after 4 innings) --Minors -- Kid Pitches -- Pitch count restrictions apply - 5-Run Limit for Innings 1 - 5 , Unlimited 6th inning - Entire lineup bats - 10-Run Rule applies --Majors -- Pitch count restrictions apply -- Unlimited runs entire game -- Only bat the field -- 10-Run Rule applies |
**Season/Games Structure**
Q: When do practices begin, where are they held, and how frequent are they?A: Coaches will be able to begin practicing March 1. Each coach will determine where the team practices. The frequency and length of practice is determined by the individual coach. Please be flexible here as our northwest weather results in a number of rain-outs and coaches have to reschedule.
Q: What time do games start? How long are the games?A: Initially all games wil start at 5:30... as the season progresses and we have more light, games will begin at 6:00....T-Ball games tend to last an hour. All other games (Majors & below) are played for 6 innings or until game is called for dark. For all games, a new inning is not started after 2 hours from game start time.
Q: When do games begin and where are they played?
Q: If I wanted to volunteer, is there any paperwork that I need to complete?
A: Yes, we have a Volunteer Application that needs to be completed. Essentially this is an authorization for us to run a background check on you. This can be downloaded from our Handouts page.